Introduce Yourself

Hey love, now is the time to introduce yourself to this community!


Now that we are finally together in this way, I would love to get to know you.

  1. Please share what brought you to Boss Witch and where you live in the world.
  2. What are some fears/worries/concerns you may have about this course?
  3. What are your intentions/hopes/dreams for going through this journey? What would you LOVE to get out of it?

But most importantly…

***What is something you could share about yourself to help you feel more CONNECTED to this community?***

You don’t need to answer all of the questions.

If that feels right to you, share a video that is no longer than 3 minutes and it can be as short as you like.

There are a few different ways you can share:***

  1. If you have Dropbox or Googledrive, upload it to either of these, and share the link to the video. You don't have to have either of these to view other's. You will need to copy and paste the link in a new browser.
  2. You can upload it to Youtube and post the link in the comments there.
  3. You can do a written introduction! Please use the same principles and don't edit yourself and please share a photo of yourself! <3
  4. I know you are very creative, you are welcome to figure out a different way to share your video in here.

***I know this a little complicated, but we can do hard things. I've divested my energy from hosting community on facebook because logging into facebook makes me upset as fuck AND very distracted. My intention is collectively nurture our boss witch community all in one space here.

I recognize this request may bring up a lot of feelings for you. I invite you to even share about those feelings within your introduction.

Within this container, we get to be vulnerable as fuck. We get to support and celebrate one another. We get to try things. We get to make mistakes, learn differently and keep reaching out for connection.

Keep going. Keep loving. We got this. I love you!

Pro tip: I took a deep breath and just started...I started filming without letting myself get into my head about it... and I didn’t watch it afterwards and critique myself. I just posted!!! Yup.

"Afraid and brave can coexist. This idea that we're either courageous or chicken shit is just not true, because most of us are afraid and brave at the exact same moment, all day long."

- Brené Brown

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