[NEW] 1:1 Peer Support Instructions


good news for 1:1 peer support.

I finally figured out a system to pair you up. You have partners starting now until Sunday, August 15th which you can find in the google sheet that you originally signed up on (on the previous slide). You are paired up by the colors on the most left column.

***Important: Please do not edit any of the three left columns in either of the google sheets, this is the system I am using to group you up and if any of them are edited, everything will shift.***

You can still add your name/info to the bottom of the list and you will paired up for the following round or take your name away if you decide you no longer want to participate (please do this after you already meet with your partner for that week and don't delete the entire row your info is on, as again, everything will shift.)

I will from here on out, update the list each Sunday. There is one group of three which will rotate each week, (unless more people join or leave),

Again, you can access the lists where you originally signed up for the 1:1 peer support google sheets. Make sure to watch the video explaining my guidelines for this type of 1:1 peer support!

Please ask any questions below. <3



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